the valuable


gets done


Victoria. C. activates teams by offering strategies to effectively manage change and overcome challenges.


With organizational consulting, you will:

  • Optimize impact of managers and team members 

  • Create and implement strategic plans 

  • Institutionalize organizational change 

  • Improve collaboration and team workflow 

  • Mediate difficult situations in the workplace 

  • We will pull from the following methodologies in the V.C. Method toolkit:

    Organizational Change Frameworks

    Facilitative Leadership Tools

    Group Development Theory


Before inciting significant changes in work culture, a well-considered diagnosis is critical. To generate a detailed evaluation and clarify team roles and responsibilities, I analyze work culture and identify areas of strength and areas for improvement.


I make strategic planning or restructuring a less daunting process. I work with you to create a practical plan that addresses individual team members, as well as the organizational and cultural systems in place, to synthesize work styles and maximize harmony, and efficiency. We can build in systems for accountability and follow through where needed. I demystify the strategic planning or restructuring process by right-sizing a plan to your goals and your staff’s capacity. 


Our best work is produced when we are allowed to show up as our whole selves. I help team members become more observant and self aware, encouraging them to be mindful and intentional in their participation and contribution to the team. Nurturing open and honest communication improves workflow, facilitates collaboration and goal achievement, and inspires team members to reach their full potential.

“Victoria is a strategic thought partner. She quickly oriented herself to a recent project, and jumped in with clear and actionable feedback.”

- Elizabeth S., Principal at MindOpen Learning Strategies
