know where

You are

Know where You

are going

Victoria. C. helps people find their motivation to grow so that they can lead more impactful lives.


  • Uncover driving passion and purpose

  • Improve self-awareness, collaboration, communication, and management skills

  • Navigate the current field 

  • Transition into a new role

With Leadership Coaching you will:

  • We will pull from the following methodologies in the V.C. Method toolkit:

    Change Management Theory

    Psychoanalytic Theory

    Performance Management Frameworks


You need to know where you are before you know where you’re going. Together we will reveal your deeper purpose and connect your professional goals to your personal values. I will help you prioritize wellness in and outside of the workplace so that you can be a more present, honest, and effective leader.


Transformation requires two things: intention and dedication. We will focus on becoming more observant and self aware, bringing mindful practices to your relationship with others. I will help reveal the ways meeting small, practical goals can optimize your workflow, influence broad systemic change, and ultimately increase your impact on society.


Facing life transitions and career changes can be daunting. I will help strategize salary negotiations and promotion requests, weigh job prospects, or guide you towards professional development opportunities and tactics to advance within your network. I will be your accountability partner, sounding board, and advisor while you find your footing.

“Victoria was a critical support in helping me recognize a pattern. Victoria helped me to see that I will not experience real change in a new job if I don’t try something different and share my needs with my manager.”

 - Danielle F., Development Director at BEA for Environmental Justice
